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Booty Scabs and Indecision

Deciding is freedom. Indecision is torture. #pinterestquotesfrommyvisionboard

There are times in life when I can be truly realistic with myself. I know the extent of my capabilities. And while I do truly appreciate the confidence others have in me and my potential, there are some times (just a few times), when outside expectations far exceed my reality. In those moments, I find myself thinking:

I saw that coming. But alas, I let it happen anyway.”

This summer was a doozy! My hubby and I went on adventure after adventure, and we loved every bit of it! Exhausted and love-struck, we headed on our final mini-vacay of the summer, Gran's birthday in Las Vegas! We were staying a week, so we could spend some time with family and our little one before the end of our summer.

If you've never spent a week in Las Vegas in the middle of summer--DON'T!

Spare yourself!

It is (insert word that means it was so hot that even after drinking gallons of water each day, I was somehow still dehydrated to the point that even in 113 degree weather I was neither sweating or having to use the restroom; either that or all of the liquids I'd taken in evaporated before they even had the chance to make it though and out of my body)!

After spending a few days of visiting with family and venturing through the casinos to people-watch, we decided we should find a fun activity especially for the little one. Returning from one of our people-watching adventures, we drove past LOL Kids Club, an indoor playground filled with obstacle courses, ball pits, jungle-gyms, you name it! It was perfect. The little would love it-she'd get to run and play for hours in the air-conditioning! Yes, please and thank you!

The next afternoon we headed out to show our little a good time! Her face lit up when she realized where we were going. Shoes off and neon wristbands on, we headed in to the play area to see what they had to offer! There were kids and parents everywhere. Uncontrollable laughter, squeals of joy, and all of the early 2000s hits! It was kids dream! The little one surveyed the area looking to see what she would do first, when her eyes locked on the slide. I scanned the room for a place to sit and relax where I could see the kiddo, when she turned her attention back to the hubby and me.

"Do you guys want to play with me? There's a slide!"

Don't get me wrong: I love flying down a brightly colored plastic slide into a pit of colorful plastic balls as much as anyone--but, I was wearing a dress, and being that I hadn't planned on doing any cartwheels, I didn't wear any shorts underneath.

Hubby, on the other hand, seemed to have been awaiting this invitation, and took off toward the slide with no hesitation! The pair came flying down the slide in a fit of giggles!

"Mommy, want to slide! It's so much fun! I'll race you!"

**Tina Belcher groan**

"Yeah Mo, go on and slide! I'll hold your stuff!"

In lieu of being the boring mom and missing out on what was far from a once in a life time opportunity to play with the kiddo, I abandoned all common sense, disrespected my better my better judgement, and made what my a$$ now believes to be the worst decision of my adult life.

Yep. Imagine if you will: beautiful young lady, in neon orange grippy socks with a cute summer dress, running up a primary colored jungle gym, dodging tiny humans on her way up to her ultimate doom! I sat on the edge of the slide trying to hold my dress down under my thighs, waited for the little to situate herself in the next lane and off we went!

I was flying! The wind was in my face, the room was a whirlwind of colors whizzing past me and then--

**Nails on a chalk board**

**Old school Honda Civic with bad brakes, coming to a screeching halt before a busy intersection**

**DJ stops the record as the school nerd walks into the dance looking like Homecoming Queen**

As I scooched the rest of the way off the slide into the ball pit to walk to my hubby, just before I notice the mortified, yet concerned look on another mom's face as she mouthed, "Are you okay?," I realized my butt-cheeks had been set aflame.

I knew better.

I'm not a boring mom. I'll have plenty of time to play with the kiddo. I just wasn't prepared. Why couldn't I have just accepted that, I could have grabbed some shorts and come back another time. But alas, I chose to succumb to self-pressure (it's like peer pressure, but self-inflicted, because who am I kidding--I wanted to slide down the slide), and ended up with skinned butt cheeks.

At times I find myself in a state of indecision as I battle with what I know of myself, and what I've convinced myself others expect of me. I'm learning these days to trust myself and my personal judgement, and be decisive, rather than leaving my booty meat at the mercy of the outside influence.

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